Metal and Ceramic Braces

Straighten Your Smile With Teeth Braces

Metal and Ceramic Braces in Dubai

Teeth braces use a bracket and wire system to guide your teeth into proper alignment. Conventional dental braces are extremely effective for slightly crowded or severely misaligned smiles.

Today, in Dubai, you have the option to choose between metal and ceramic braces. Traditional metal braces are a reliable option, while ceramic braces offer a more cosmetic and subtle appearance that blends in with your smile. The choice depends on your preferences.

What to Expect

If you’re considering dental braces in Dubai, the process begins with a consultation and exam. Our Dubai Orthodontists will assess your bite and teeth alignment, including TMJ function, to determine if correction is necessary. We will discuss the best types of braces based on your needs. A series of impressions and scans will be taken, and a treatment plan will be developed.

Regardless of whether you choose orthodontic braces or ceramic clear braces, the duration of treatment will be similar. Most cases are completed in 12-18 months, but it varies based on the extent of your tooth alignment needs. Wearing your appliances as directed ensures a more efficient treatment experience.

During the consultation, our Dubai Orthodontists will estimate your treatment length. As everyone’s smile is unique, working with an experienced orthodontic provider for an accurate timeframe is important.

Is Orthodontic Treatment Right for Me?

JTS Medical Centre offers comprehensive orthodontic assessments for children, teens, and adults of all ages. If a better-aligned smile would benefit your oral health and function, we can recommend the best type of teeth straightening method based on your age and lifestyle. Whether it’s metal braces or invisible braces, we have something for everyone.

Investing in traditional braces, which are metallic appliances, is a proven and straightforward way to straighten even the most crowded or misaligned teeth. Straightening your smile with braces can lower the risk of premature tooth wear, cavities, gum disease, and TMJ disorder.

We encourage you to schedule a hassle-free orthodontic screening to determine if metal braces, ceramic braces, or another type of treatment is right for you. Screenings are available from the age of 7.


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    How comfortable are ceramic braces?

    Ceramic braces are one of the most comfortable types of braces for treating teeth misalignment. They are less noticeable and cause minimal discomfort compared to normal braces (metal braces). Additionally, they are easy to remove after completing the treatment procedure.

    How comfortable are ceramic braces?

    Ceramic braces are one of the most comfortable types of braces for treating teeth misalignment. They are less noticeable and cause minimal discomfort compared to normal braces (metal braces). Additionally, they are easy to remove after completing the treatment procedure.

    What is the treatment duration of metal and ceramic braces?

    Ceramic braces may take longer than metal braces as they are more prone to breaking off if not cared for properly. They also move teeth at a slower pace than metal braces. The treatment duration can range from 1-3 years depending on the severity of the misalignment.

    How do I prevent staining of ceramic braces?

    Anything that can stain a white t-shirt has the potential to stain your teeth, dental work, or ceramic braces. To prevent staining, we recommend drinking through a straw, rinsing your mouth with water after meals, and brushing your teeth at least 2-3 times a day.

    What's the difference between ceramic and metal braces?

    The only difference between metal braces and ceramic braces is their appearance. Ceramic braces also use brackets and an arch wire, but the brackets are made of tooth-colored ceramic to blend in with your smile instead of stainless steel. Depending on the type of braces used, a cosmetic arch wire may also be available.

    What are metal braces?

    Metal braces are conventional orthodontic appliances made of hypoallergenic stainless steel. They are safe to wear on your teeth. Each bracket is bonded to the front of its corresponding tooth using a special dental glue. The curved, rigid arch wire passes through the front of each bracket, connecting the teeth to one another.

    What are traditional braces?

    Traditional braces are metal braces comprised of brackets and wires. They have been proven effective for all ages and are one of the most affordable options for teeth straightening.

    How do metal braces work?

    Whether you’re using traditional braces, clear ceramic braces, or another type of fixed orthodontic system, brackets and wires predictably move your teeth by applying pressure to specific points in your mouth. The curved arch wire spans across your smile, guiding tooth movement and aligning each tooth with its neighbors in a natural curvature.

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